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Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Role of a Prophet

Suppose for a moment you and your family were on a hiking trail enjoying the beauties of nature. And suddenly you recognize that you have been walking for a while without reaching your destination. Only to find out that the foot trails you were suppose to follow were nowhere to be found, what would you learn from such an experience?

I will seek to use the above story as a basis for my discussion. We all know how delightful nature can be hence we take time out of out our hectic lives to go to these places that soothes the human mind. So in our journey here in this mortal probation Heavenly Father has placed us in a similar journey. Our mortal probation is for us to grow and experience as much as we can before our final destination, which is the joy of residing with our Father in Heaven in his kingdom.

I believe that none of us would want to be lost in unfamiliar paths, direction given to us by prophets is one of the vital blessings that we could receive to help us in the journey of life. A prophet is a man called and chosen by God. He may be a poor man with nothing he may be a well educated individual but non of these a qualification for the Lord looketh upon the hearts of men and not their social standings or popularity amongst the people.

The prophets of God have been part of the plan of God in leading us back home. Adam the first man also fulfilled the role of a prophet. He received the gospel from God in its purest state then he taught it to his family. He received the priesthood power (the power and authority to act in Gods name, the same power that parted the Red Sea in Moses time)

Elder John a Widstoe in defining what some of the role or gifts given to the One called to be the Lords prophet.

“Seer is one who sees with the spiritual eyes. He perceives the meaning of that which seems obscure to others. He is an interpreter of and clarifier of eternal truth. He foresees the future from the past and the present.

Translator may refer to one who has received two blessings given a prophet by the spirit of God.
The Power to convert the written or spoken word into another language
The power to give a clearer meaning to a given language
Through the gift of interpretation the prophet does not merely convey the language of the reader the words that were recorded by the writer but by revelation preserves for the reader the thoughts or intent of the original writer
He (prophet) is a teacher. That is essential meaning of the word. He teaches the body of truth, the gospel, revealed by the Lord to man, and under the inspiration explains to it the understanding of the people. He is an expounder of truth”. (Book of Mormon, Mosiah 8:15-17, Evidences of Reconciliations 1:205-6, Moses 6:36)

The role of these beloved men has a serious impact on the human family at large. We find ourselves in this trail of life amidst some of the hardest times faced by man. Immorality, the love of evil things, and downgrading of the fear of God. Will eventually lead us to forbidden paths and eternal torment. Our Heavenly Fathers plan and purpose is to reunite all of us back to him. Satan will try to destroy that and will try and mimic the plan of rescues (prophets) by introducing false prophets. Remember by their fruits ye shall know them. And I know as a member of the Lords church today they exist. Magnifying the role of a true prophet they teach what Christ would in our times. The world may ridicule them or think of them as outdated, but I with every depth of my soul know they are man called of God I know that God has opened heaven and called 15 who are called unto this holy calling, to warn the world and prepare us for the Lord second coming. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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