Ministry of Jesus Christ was a miraculous time for mankind. I, too,
testify of His divine mission and know that He did all which God the Father
required of Him. Having fulfilled His mission on Earth, He ascended to God's
presence, leaving His chosen apostles to lead the church which He had
established. In this post I wish to explore the history following the ascension
of Christ. A large portion of this will be directed toward the apostasy which
covered the earth for centuries. Apostasy is simply the turning away from truth
by individuals, the Church, or entire nations.
New Testament is our source as we follow Christ’s Apostles as they carried on
the work which Jesus Christ had founded. Before I begin that discussion,
however, I wish to point out that the apostles of the Lord could not lead the
church without divine revelation. In Acts chapter 2, on the day of Pentecost,
the apostles received the Holy Ghost, which was necessary for them to lead the
church under the direction of God. Likewise, the gift of the Holy Ghost is
necessary for any and all who in any way lead the church or the saints of God. It
is also necessary to be aware that before His death, resurrection, and
ascension, Christ laid His hands on the heads of the apostles and gave them the
authority to perform miracles and lead His church under His direction (Matthew
10:1,7-10). With this authority, and only with this authority, were the
apostles able to lead the saints of God as He directed.
the book of the Acts of the Apostles and in all succeeding books of the New
Testament are accounts of the ministry of the Lord’s apostles. In these pages we read their teachings, which
echo Christ’s teachings. They performed miracles in the name of Jesus of
Nazareth (Acts 5:12), healed the sick (Acts 9:33-34), caused the lame to walk (Acts
3:2-8), and testified of Christ’s divinity (Acts 26:22-23). They taught
repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38). But,
as with Jesus Christ, this activity was in opposition to the leaders of the
Jews. Even the Roman authorities began to take notice of this growing group of
Christians. Jewish followers and Roman leaders persecuted and killed the
Christian followers (Acts 7:58; 8:3). The Apostles were also individually persecuted
and killed, except John. Banished to the Island of Patmos, he later wrote the
book of Revelations.
the death of the apostles, no one held the authority to lead the saints as one
called of God. But even before the deaths or banishment of these great men,
people had begun to stray from the truths which Christ and His followers taught
(Galatians 1:6-7). The apostles saw this and prophesied that general apostasy
would increase (1 Timothy 4:1-3; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3).The simple doctrines
and ordinances which were taught by the Savior were altered to fit worldly
philosophies (Isaiah 24:5). With the death of the apostles, the foundation was
lost (Ephesians 2:19-20), as was the priesthood authority to lead the church.
Without a prophet of God to maintain the pure doctrine of Christ and teach men
and women the true nature of God, these early Christians were left to their own
understanding. They worshipped according to the light that they possessed, but through
the process of time the simple truths and ordinances of the gospel were changed
and corrupted. Ordinances like baptism and the Sacrament were altered according
to the philosophies of corrupt or ignorant church authorities. These leaders
often sought for power or wealth, rather than seeking divine guidance or
following the example Christ gave by His life. In an effort to unite the
people, councils were formed and creeds written to do away with contention and
disagreement. Men sought to define such fundamental truths as the character of
God and the nature of the Godhead. These councils, lacking divine authority,
altered practices, like repentance, to accumulate wealth.
centuries of corruption and ignorance, enlightened men such as John Huss, John
Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and William Tyndale tried to reform the church to follow
the original and correct teachings of Christ. They attempted to provide the
common man with the Holy Bible, and by so doing, prevent common men and women from
ignorantly following the interpretations of biased or unlearned priests. With
the Bible written in language they could understand, these men and women were
able to come out of blind ignorance and find for themselves the truths written
by the apostles and prophets. These
reformers were also persecuted and some killed for their actions. Though
inspired, these great men were not and never proclaimed to be called of God to
restore the simple truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, nor did they claim to
possess His priesthood authority. But their faith and actions helped to lay the
groundwork for what was to come.
more passed without divine guidance for the Church of Jesus Christ and those
honest seekers of truth. The prophet Amos of the Old Testament prophesied of this
time: “Behold, the days come, saith the Lord God, that I will send a famine in
the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst of water, but of hearing the
words of the Lord: And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north
even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the Lord, and
shall not find it” (Amos 8:11-12). Christian denominations multiplied when men
and women incorporated their own philosophies and splintered from the church as
they sought for truth, for God has granted all men and women the gift of
agency: the ability to choose.
occurs when people disobey God’s commandments, using their agency poorly. But
God’s purposes, to bring about the salvation of His children, will not be
frustrated. In an effort to find religious freedom, the God-fearing men and
women sailed to North America. Years later, God-inspired men, laying the
foundation of a new government, penned a document to grant unalienable rights
to all citizens of this new nation. Religious freedom was established for all
citizens. With the granted freedom, more religious groups formed, causing more
confusion and strife. But this time of religious turmoil and confusion was
according to God’s plan to bring about the salvation of His children. This
proved to be the soil where seeds of restoration would be sown.
I testify that God has a plan for His
children. I know that He loves us, His children, and He will not leave us to
search in the dark with no end. The Great Apostasy, that period of time without
priesthood authority on Earth, has an end.
That I say in the name of Jesus Christ,
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