quest for truth has been something that has
inspired mankind since time immemorial. The hunt for the ultimate
meaning of this existence and why things are the way that they are
has lead to
many significant discoveries in the sciences, philosophy, and
While there is much good in these fields, we must discover for
ourselves what the truth really is. After we discover what is the
we should have a duty to embrace the truth and follow the path of
these truths, no matter the consequences.
naturally leads us to ask the following unavoidable questions,(1)
"What is truth?", (2) "What/who
is the ultimate source of truth?", (3) "Is there one
ultimate truth?" and (4)"How can I know what is truth?"
know that the defining of truth has been something that has
interested humankind since the days of Adam. For instance, when Jesus
was being questioned by Pilate, he testified of his divine mission,
"[F]or this cause came I into the world, that I should bear
witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my
Pilate, doubtless curious by the one who was called the King of the
Jews and of his role to bear witness of the truth, replied "What
is truth?"(John 18:37-38) We
have no record in John's account or any other account of our Lord
answering his question directly at that time, but later on in a
modern divine revelation to modern men,
the Lord revealed this about the nature of truth: "And truth is
knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to
come" (D&C 93:24). Or, as one of our hymns says,
"Truth [is] the sum of existence" ("Oh Say, What is
Truth?" Hymns
of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, #272, John
This means that to know the truth is to know of things as they truly
were, are and shall
be, free from mortal bias, free from the limitations of lack of
foresight, knowledge or emotional
attachment; in
short, the truth is as God would see it in its pure, simple form.
Truth therefore does not and cannot change despite the varying
opinions of men, the philosophies of fallible mortals of the
time, the political correctness of an opinion, or the
culture one happens to live in. Truth is truth and it cannot be
we know God is the source of all truth and light. The scriptures
testify that God is a God of truth and cannot lie (see Ether 3:12;
Hebrews 6:18, for example) As such, there can be only one ultimate
truth that can save and redeem men for "truth, diamond truth,
truth unmixed with error, truth alone leads to salvation."
(Elder Bruce R. McConkie, "The Seven Deadly Heresies", BYU
Speeches of the Year 1979-1980) As
there is one Lord, one faith and one baptism (Ephesians
4:5), there can only be one truth that leads back to the presence of
God the Father, one saving doctrine, one way back to where those holy
beings who also have overcome the world dwell in everlasting glory.
(John 14:6)
that our salvation depends on finding the truth, our sole concern in
seeking truth should be to learn and believe what the Lord knows and
believes, reject all the false doctrines of the world, and
cleave unto all truth. Only then can we progress according to the
divine plan to return to our Father who is in Heaven. "How can
we know what is truth and what is error?" the sincere seeker of
truth is asked. "Have we not been warned of those who would seek
to deceive the sincere seeker of truth?" This is very true. The
Lord himself has warned of those false prophets who proclaimed a
false way of truth and salvation(see Matthew 7:15).
However, there is something given to us by the Father, a special
gift, to help us know the truth. It is the Holy Ghost, whose sole
mission is to bear witness of the truth. In Moroni's closing words,
we read after his glorious promise of how one can know the verity of
the Book of Mormon: "And by the power of the Holy Ghost, ye may
know the truth of all things" (Moroni 10:5). Jacob further
witnessed that the "Spirit speaketh the
truth and lieth not...
wherefore, these things are manifested unto us plainly, for the
salvation of our souls". (Jacob 4:13) We know also whatsoever
the Lord speaks is also eternal truth. In the modern revelations, we
read that "The Spirit of truth is of God" and "the
word of the Lord is truth and whatsoever is truth is light" (D&C
84:45; 93:26; See also John 17:17).
said all this, having taught and preached the doctrine, there remains
but one thing more, which is to bear personal testimony of these
truths we have discussed. I know and testify that God the Father
lives and that He is the source of truth and light. Jesus is the
Christ and he is the only name given under heaven whereby mankind can
be saved. I know that Joseph Smith saw the supreme Creators of heaven
and earth and restored the fullness of the Gospel and eternal truths
to the Earth once
more. I know these things by
my own search for what truth really is.
I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest truth in all
of the Earth and is worth more than all the treasures that kingdoms,
empires, and nations can produce, for it can and shall redeem the
souls of men in the glory that awaits the faithful. May God grant
that each of us may also pursue the truth and find the truths of
eternity to be that pearl of great price and treasure it in our
hearts is my fervent prayer and plea. In
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
week, we will be discussing the nature of God and the kind of being
He is.
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